A journey of discovery…


Progress, Painted Puscual and Projects…

G’day guys,

I thought it was about time to start reposting to this blog now that the excitement of the Kickstarter is done and most of the post Kickstarter work is out of the way.

Kickstarter Update

I have been working really hard to complete all the artwork required for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites, a task which I have recently finished. All that is left to do is set out the punchboards and then off to production. The figures are already there, being used to create metal molds to make the figures out of for the board game. Exciting stuff indeed.

I’d like to re-thank everyone that supported Dawn – Rise of the Occulites before, during and after the Kickstarter. It has been absolutely invaluable and I can’t wait to get the game out into everyone’s hands.

Painted Puscual

The Puscual figure was supposed to be a stretch goal during the Kickstarter for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites, but we didn’t quite reach it. Being too eager (and prepared), I had been able to get Bob Olley to sculpt one up for me, which I got Nic from Eureka Miniatures to cast up for me. So I will have Puscuals ready for a future expansion for Dawn (hopefully it proves popular enough!). It will also be doing double duty as a Puscual Pack Leader for Drums of War (the 18mm mass combat game I am designing that is set in the Occulite world – I already have Palaudis figures sculpted up by Bob and they are unbelievable! But more on this as I develop it further)

So, over the weekend, I was able to paint one of the Puscuals up. Now, I’m a bit rusty with the paint brush, so please excuse the errors I have made, but the Puscual was a blast to paint up! Really easy and a nice way to ease back into a bit of miniature painting. So, without further delay, here it is!

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge


Looking forward into the future of games set in the Rise of the Occulites Universe, most probably the next to release will be Sungem Run!

The Long Dark has just begun and Occulite Tribes all over Crepusculum have been getting ready all season long for their hibernation. Most Tribes have had their Home Caves stocked with Sungems for much of the season, but others have not been as ready. Their Sungem supply will not last for the length of the Long Dark, and so they must journey out of their warm caves to find a Podmothine to steal Sungems from. If they are caught away from their Home Cave by another Tribe though, their existing supply of Sungems will be put at risk of theft, so they must do so undiscovered in the dark. Each Tribe’s Chief guards their Home Cave as the rest of the Tribe goes out to harvest Sungems from a local Podmothine, their way lit by a single Sungem each. Harvesting Sungems isn’t that easy when the Podmothine defends itself though and if at any time they find themselves without the light of a Sungem, the Tribe becomes lost and will have to find their own way back home. Which Tribe will be the most sneaky and skillful? This, is Sungem Run!

Sungem Run! is a 2-8 (up to 13 when using expansions) player game of sneakiness, misdirection and deduction that has been in development and playtest over the last year and a half. It has been thoroughly playtested by many, many different types of players, ranging from grade four students, right through to grandparents, gamers, non-gamers and everything in between. It is a blast to play and I can’t wait to share it with fans of the Occulite world. Although fans of the Occulites will enjoy the theme of the game, people that are unfamiliar with the one eyed little critters, can still enjoy the game without having any background knowledge of it.

It uses dice manipulation to allow your Tribe to hide amongst the other Tribes without being spotted, gathering Sungems, while avoiding the Podmothine itself. With many different ways to play, Sungem Run! has become a firm favourite in my class last year and is proving to be so again this year. It was a lot of fun playing and testing with the kids last year and due to everyone’s hard work, Sungem Run! is a fun and solid game that provides excited tension every game. Look for more information soon.


Sungem Run sample image Box Edge Graphics 1Box Edge Graphics 2 Box Edge Graphics 3 and 4


Final 48 hours in the Dawn – Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter Campaign

G’day guys,

After more than 7 years in development and the first game in the Rise of the Occulites Saga will be fully funded in less than 48 hours.
It has been a stressful and rewarding experience and I’m sure I will sleep for days after it is complete.

In the campaign, we have been able to unlock all five Tribes, 5 stretch goals which include Optional Card Packs for Palaudis and Hydris Objectives and Tribe Specific Natural Selection Decks, two packs of Advanced Natural Selection Cards, an extra pack of Luftles and we are moving towards unlocking the Unique Event card stretch goal.

Project Representative Image Final Hours

The Kickstarter has allowed us to do a lot with Dawn much faster than we would have by traditional means, but with just under 48 hours still available to pledge, we can still unlock the 8 free Puscual figures and 12 free Nymphlet figures if we get a bit more support in these final two days.

So please, check out the project on Kickstarter and if you like what you see, lock in a pledge to help us include more for everyone!



Puscuals and Nymphlets oh my!

Here is a preview of the latest update on Dawn straight from the KS page. We would love your support to get towards our last few exciting Stretch Goals, so please go and check it out and consider supporting us by backing the project.


Before we jump into details about our tasty treats the Nymphlets, I received an email from Bob Olley that had some quick photos of a couple of new figures… that’s right, we have images of both the Puscual green and the Nymphlet green that will be turned into plastic figures when we hit $65K for the Puscual and $75K for the Nymphlets.

I’ve asked him if he could send me some images of the figures next to an Occulite and when I hear back from him I’ll post them too.

Puscual – 30mm tall, bulky. Tree trunk just fits in a board space.

Nymphlet – Smaller and mounted on a tree branch with reeds down the bottom of it. Total size from bottom to top of branch 25mm. So Nymphlet is roughly Luftle length.

Well? What do you think? I love them and think that they fit right into the Occulite world. I know that I’m looking forward to using them in the game. The Nymphlets (if we hit our target) will actually be cast in 6 different colours to match the tokens and the painted ones will look spectacular. The Puscuals will undoubtedly look fantastic painted up as well. I intend to paint some up in their most common colour scheme – the olive green, with brighter green patches. But then, I have some other cool ideas too.


“The sun had slowly been sinking beneath the horizon for several days now. The sky was painted a splash of purples and blues, with tiny, white shining lights dotting the canvas. It was becoming Dusk and I had seen the Occulites slow down their exploration. They were mainly gathering plants, food and the last of the easy to get Sungems and bringing them back to their caves. They were preparing for something, but this was the first time in all the time I have watched them, that the sky had darkened. If indeed their night was coming as ours does, then I might not see them for a time. So I watched intently.

Moving my hands slightly, the sound of Crepusculum came flooding back, filling my ears with the sound of the wildlife. A soft breeze blew through the Lumino Trees, the occasional deep croak of a Palaudis and the constant chirping and buzzing of the insect life. Chirping and buzzing that became louder and louder. Looking around the landscape with a crinkled forehead I can see Occulites of all known species gathering. Not fighting, but waiting separately in their Tribes like something was about to happen. Was it going to be a battle?

The answer quickly came to me as a smallish dragonfly-like creature dashed into view, followed by another, and another. Soon the air was filled with them, darting to and fro, dancing through the air. It was then that the commotion started. The Occulites scattered across the landscape, grabbing and jumping at the creatures. Snatching them from the air… some had crude nets, others were using their hands, some stuffed the creatures into kangaroo-like pouches and others devoured theirs on the spot. This was no battle… this was a feast! A feast like no other…”
A passage from Darwin’s Diaries.

These dragonfly-like creatures are now known as Nymphlets and late in each season, as the sun goes down and the sky turns purple, they gather on mass to spawn. The Occulites, being incredibly resourceful use this opportunity as a last ditch effort to put on body fat so they can hibernate during the Long Dark.

All Occulite Tribes find Nymphlets incredibly delicious and an excellent source of slow burning energy. They snack on them throughout the season, but when Dusk comes, they are able to indulge and for some Tribes, this can save their whole season.

The Nimbus Tribe rarely eat theirs straight away, but instead capture them to help pollinate the flowers and plants high up in the mountainous regions where it is too cold for most insects of their ilk. Being primarily herbivorous, the Nimbus could not survive high up in the mountains without their flora and so they rely on the Nymphlets to help them etch out their niche in the environment, despite how tough it is.

In Game Rules

Nymphlets in game, are controlled by the game mechanics, but you have some control over how this plays out. At the start of each round, the players take it in turns to place the coloured Nymphlet wedges onto the directional hex on the edge of the board. Then each Nymphlet moves it’s Speed (5 spaces) in the relevant direction.

Where the wedges are placed will determine which direction each Nymphlet flies. In the above example, the Blue Nymphlet moves 5 spaces in the direction indicated. Nymphlets ignore all terrain and figures when flying, but cannot end their movement on a space with a figure (except another Nymphlet). If this happens, they move an extra space until they hit an empty one.

Nymphlets can be caught by moving into their space and defeating them in Combat. Since Nymphlets have a Defense of 6, that is not always easy. Nymphlets never attack other figures, but if one successfully defends against a catch attempt, for each success in excess of it’s attacker’s successes, it will move one space in its indicated direction away from the attacker.

When you take into account its Innate Abilities below, especially Tricky, they do become very difficult to catch.

Any damage caused to a Nymphlet for any reason is always cancelled.

When defending, a Nymphlet gains rerolls equal to the number of spaces the figure had to Move to Attack it.

Nymphlets are a fun Creature to use in Scenarios and add another Challenge to the palette of options that Dawn – Rise of the Occulites has. We really hope that you can help spread the word about the game so that we can hit our stretch goals and get these figures produced so they don’t just stay as flat tokens.

All the best,

Kickstarter is going really well!

G’day guys,

Thanks so much to everyone that has supported me and followed the Rise of the Occulites with interest. At this point in time, I am ecstatic about how well the Kickstarter is going. The show of support and positive interest of all those involved is overwhelming.

Ignis Proud2

We are currently at 160% of our funding level and have smashed through three stretch goals, $30K, $35K and now $40K.

This has allowed us to include:

* The Objective card and Specific Natural Selection Card Deck Expansions for both Palaudis and Hydris for free to backers.

* Advanced Natural Selection Deck A Expansion for free to backers

* To unlock the Floris and Ignis Tribes, adding them to all Puscual Hunter and Sunmaster Levels. But also allowing us to offer figure only and boxed expansion, as well as Card Pack Expansion add ons for them as well.

Our next stop is $45K which will unlock the Nimbus Tribe and the Advanced Natural Selection Deck B Expansion, so exciting times are certainly ahead.

To help keep the momentum going, we would really appreciate if you could spread the word about Dawn. Start conversations, share information and images and help get it some more exposure so that we can make Dawn the very best it can be. After our $45K stretch goal, we have free Luftles at $50K and then free Puscual figures at $65K and free Nymphlet figures at $75K… then perhaps some other very special items if we can get that far. So please help spread the word!




Dawn has been Relaunched and is live on Kickstarter now!

G’day guys,

After a lot of hard work by both Eagle Games and Darwin Games, the Kickstarter Campaign for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites has been relaunched!

A lot of thought and effort has been put into making this second time around more successful. So the campaign has been restructured with a lower goal, there have been new stretch goals introduced, new art for the cards and we have been able to get a very high quality pre paint organised. To be honest, I was shocked at how good they look. There is virtually no difference between the prepaints and the studio paint jobs now. This has cost us a bit more to achieve this quality, but we have been able to maintain the previous pledge costings as before for both Puscual and Sunmaster levels.

Card BackWe hope that you will join us again this time around and if you didn’t join in on the fun of the first Kickstarter, we hope to see you over there for our second.

You can check it out here:


Please share the link with your gaming mates and families and friends that are looking for an endearingly quirky, but incredibly fun and replayable game. Let’s get Dawn funded quickly so that we can start unlocking the stretch goals. We have some more up our sleeves and with your help, we may be able to reach them!

Cheers and thanks for the support!
Ben (the designer) goo


Taking on feedback on card appearance

G’day guys,

A fair amount of time has passed since the first Kickstarter for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites came and went. As we ramp up towards the relaunch, I wanted to revisit some of the feedback I had received about the appearance of the cards. Having played around with some alternative ways to present the cards in a more stylish manner, I have come up with the following.


The idea would be to redraw the illustrations for all the cards to improve their appearance, but also to make the card templates themselves more appealing. I would honestly love to hear your feedback on what I’ve done here. I haven’t run this past Eagle Games, but before I commit to any of these changes, I would have to get everyone’s feedback, as well as of course the blessing from Eagle Games to do so. It would take a lot of time to re illustrate every card and so my instinct would be that it could be a possible stretch goal to improve the cards. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

All the very best and I’ll have some more information on the relaunch of Dawn – Rise of the Occulites soon.
EDIT: Here is another option that takes into consideration some of the constructive feedback that I’ve received on the above card.



Dawn KS Cancelled – Relaunch assured

G’day guys,

First of all, Eagle Games and I would like to thank everyone who has backed and supported Dawn – Rise of the Occulites. It has been very much appreciated and the kind words of encouragement and support have been humbling.

At the present time the Kickstarter has stalled somewhat. Over the last week we have been working hard to make a decision on what the best course of action is for both the backers and us. As much as it pains us to say it, we feel that at this point in time, it is in the best interests of everyone to cancel the existing project. I can assure you that this decision has not been made lightly.

That being said, we have learnt much from the experience and feel that we now have a far better idea and  a clearer view as to how we can run a more successful campaign. Our intention is to restructure the Kickstarter project to address some of the hiccups we have encountered and to provide a more effective funding approach. Stretch goals will be carefully thought out and structured in a way to facilitate regular success intervals. We aim to relaunch in 30 days, but to get revised production estimates and accurately painted samples, it may end up being 60 days.

One thing for sure is that we are serious about delivering an outstanding game and believe that with your support, we will be able to do just that.

So in the meantime, to help ensure that our relaunch is as successful as possible, please talk about the game, spread the word, read the rules and post your thoughts. While the sun has not risen on Dawn just yet, it certainly hasn’t set either.

Thank you for all your continued support and we look forward to successfully Kickstarting Dawn – Rise of the Occulites in the next 30 to 60 days.

Ben and the team at Eagle Games.


How you can help get Dawn funded!

Like a rocketship countdown, we are into the last 10 days of the Dawn – Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter and we need your help to spread the word.

If the game doesn’t fund, it won’t be produced, so to help us fund and start heading for the stretch goals, here are some things that you could help us do.

1) Pledge for the Game on Kickstarter

2) Talk it up to your friends and gaming buddies

3) Share information about the game on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit etc…)

4) Post about it on Board Game Geek. The rulebook is available to download. You could have a flick through and post your thoughts on the game.

5) Thumb our videos and photos on Board Game Geek to give them some more exposure

6) If it is mentioned in Board Game Geek News at all, post comments about what you like about the game.

Palaudis vs Hyrdis

Let’s talk it up and bring this game home strong during the last 10 days guys. We need your help, so please, let’s get Dawn some more exposure!


What’s up with this new Dice of the Occulites game?

G’day guys,

If you have been following our Kickstarter for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites you will have noticed a new update today talking about revised stretch goals.
The first change was that the Objective cards added to each Tribe are now @ $40K, instead of $50K, making it much more likely that this awesome addition to Dawn will see the light of day.

The second and most major addition to the stretch goals is at $45K, $50K and $55K, with the inclusion of a brand new game ‘Dice of the Occulites’. This will be included for free to every backer if we reach those totals.
I see that some people were apprehensive about this, but let me assure you that this is a fun game, that fits in this Kickstarter and adds value to your pledge.

First things first, here are the rules for you to download: DICE OF THE OCCULITES – THE EXPLORATION OF CREPUSCULUM

Dice of the Occulites is a fast, fun and tactically challenging new game set in the Occulite universe. It is a separate game to Dawn – Rise of the Occulites, but takes place during the same period of time. Whereas Dawn allows you to take control of a Tribe of Occulites, Dice of the Occulites allows you to take control of the role of someone that has found a ‘window in space’ and begins to research the world of Crepusculum. So think of Dice taking place on Earth and Dawn taking place in Crepusculum at the same exact time.
Each player starts the game with a particular Tribe they are interested in researching (represented by 6 dice in that Tribe’s colour), but as the game goes on, players can share knowledge with others to broaden their interests and put them in the best place to make discoveries each round. Roll your dice, allocate them to the six cards that appear each round and then resolve each one by one. But victory isn’t assured as each card has a game changing effect that will need to be taken into account to make the best discoveries and win the game.
Hydris Card 1a
Palaudis Card 2a
Dice of the Occulites – The Exploration of Crepusculum is playable by up to 5 players (as long as the $50K stretch goal is hit) and takes 15-30 minutes to play. I have tested and played this game with grade 3/4s and they have picked it up quickly. After a game the mechanics fade into the background and you can concentrate on the tactical decisions when allocating dice. It has loads of replayability, is a blast to play and reveals a little more of the Occulite world, all in a small time frame. More information on each discovery will be hosted on this blog and the Darwin Games website once it is updated, which links it even closer to the rest of the Rise of the Occulites story.
I know that you will enjoy playing Dice of the Occulites, so please download the rules and ask any questions you may have. Now for your pledge you will be receiving two fun and fantastic games. One for when you crave a deep strategic game and one for when you are up for a faster game.
All the best guys and thank you once again for supporting the first game in the Rise of the Occulites Saga – Dawn.
Here is a super quick 4 minute video about why Dawn is worth backing. Enjoy!
You can help Dawn get some more exposure on Board Game Geek by thumbing our video here: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/video/31330/dawn-rise-of-the-occulites/why-dawn-is-awesome-and-you-should-be-backing-i

What do you get in a Sunmaster Pledge??? (answer: LOTS!)

G’day guys,

This update is a really brief one, but an exciting one. Our Kickstarter has opened up another bunch of Early Bird Sunmaster Pledges that will save you a few dollars, but we have also uploaded an image of all the things that you will get by pledging at the Sunmaster level. Somethings are listed as text due to running out of room or the graphics for those components not being completed yet.

So sit down and then check this out! Once you’ve picked up your jaw off the floor, you can go and pledge to help us bring Dawn to the world! (Click on the image to see a higher resolution image)

We need your help to bring this awesome game to tabletops everywhere. So if you’d like to help, here are some things that you could.

* Pledge for Dawn on Kickstarter http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2002188924/dawn-rise-of-the-occulites

* Read the rulebook here: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/82168/dawn-rise-of-the-occulites-low-res-complete-rule

* Post about the game and what you think of it on Boardgame Geek here: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/90274/dawn-rise-of-the-occulites

Together we can do it guys! Thanks for your help. 🙂

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge


Advanced Gameplay Playthrough Video for Dawn

Palaudis Tribe Objectives Coloured low res

G’day guys,

Yesterday we shot a fully playthrough of the first scenario of Dawn using all five layers of the advanced rules.

Due to the simplicity of the scenario, not all aspects of each layer ended up being used. But hopefully the video demonstrates how the advanced rules change the game up a bit and we look forward to showing you more of these over the coming weeks as we film more scenarios. If there is a scenario you would like to see us play, then please let us know and we will endeavor to tee it up.

Please excuse my voice and my coughing on this video. I have come down with the flu and am quite crook.

So without further adieu, please enjoy this next video!


Terrain Overlays, Complete Rules and Playthrough Videos, Oh My!

G’day guys,

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for pledging to my game. I am extremely grateful that you are helping this dream of mine become a reality. This update will be the first of many that I am making to discuss different aspects of the game and to give you guys more information about the depth and breadth of Dawn and what you will be getting.

Rulebook Download

Before we start today’s update, I wanted to post a clear link to the complete rules for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites as it has got a bit lost in amongst the page and I’d like everyone to have access to it. It has been available as a download since day one. Please download it and have a read through! 🙂 DOWNLOAD RULES HERE

Playthrough Video of Core Rules

Something else that I’ve uploaded to my blog and posted in the comments was a complete playthrough video of the first Scenario. It uses just the Core rules to demonstrate what the game at its core is all about. Videos going over some of the five different layers of advanced rules will be posted over the coming days.

Terrain Overlays

There have been some calls to ask for some more information on the Terrain Overlays and what they look like. So I have uploaded images of all the different Terrain Overlays that come with the base game. There are more in the expansions. So here they are:

Bare Tree Deep Lake Home Cave Luftle Nest Podmothine River A River B Rocky Outcrop Scenic Features B Scenic Terrain A Shallow Lake Swamp A Swamp B The Ridge Trees 2 Trees

There are multiple of the Scenic Features (7 hex rocks and 7 hex plants) as well as multiples of the Trees. The Ridge and the large Rocky Outcrop are back to back.

In the Core rules, Terrain is broken up into three different types: Clear (move through it normally), Difficult (it costs 2 Speed for each space moved through) and Impassable (cannot move through it). If you layer in the Advanced Terrain rules, each piece of Terrain has its own unique effect on the game. You can find out more about these on page 21 of the Dawn – Rise of the Occulites rulebook. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

I have a big post on what Campaigns look like in Dawn that I will repost as an update here tomorrow, but is there something gameplay oriented in particular you would like to know about?


Core Rules Full Playthrough Video!

G’day guys,

This video is a full gameplay playthrough of the first scenario of Dawn – Rise of the Occulites. It uses all prototype components.

We played using just the Core rules and this is the most basic way to play the game. We wanted to show this off first so that players who only want to dip their toes into the system to start with can see what they are in for.

There are five layers of advanced rules that can be transitioned in which gives the players more options, more decision points and deepens the gameplay further. Future videos will go into this more. We would love to know what you think! If you have any questions, please ask! Enjoy! 🙂


A Look at the Campaign System of Dawn

G’day guys,

Today, we are going to take a brief look at the Campaign system in Dawn, how it has changed and why it is a bit different from other games.

Hidden Sungem coloured small

When playing a Campaign in Dawn: Rise of the Occulites, we call it playing a Sungem Season. To survive through the Long Dark of the extended nights on Crepusculum (lasting Earth months at a time), the Occulites need to collect Sungems (which are crystals that form in the ground and trap Sunlight within them. This trapped sunlight, gives off a soft light and a warmth that helps keep Occulite Home Caves warm over the Long Dark. Without this warmth, the Occulites will not survive. During a Sungem Season, Occulites also gain experience and learn new skills. The gaining of knowledge and skills is represented in the game by Learned Abilities and by Victory Points.

The Aim of a Campaign in Dawn

The aim of a Sungem Seasons is to gain enough knowledge and skills to survive through the Long Dark, putting them in a strong position for getting a head start on the next Sungem Season they will face. To win a campaign, you not only have to beat other Tribes, but you must actually survive in the first place. Yes, that’s right, there is a chance that at the end of the Sungem Season, your Tribe may not survive the Long Dark and will lose by default. Clever planning and play will ensure though that your Tribe survives. Sungems are important to retain heat in their Home Cave and Victory Points (representing experience) can help your Occulite get the most out of their situation by allowing you to reroll the dice your Sungems give you to create heat at the end of a Sungem Season. The player that has the most Victory Points and has enough Heat from their Sungems to survive, wins!

Innate Abilities

When playing Campaigns, you will usually use the advanced rules for Tribe creation. This allows you to not only choose which Tribe you want to lead, but also allows you to customize their starting statistics.

Once you have chosen a Tribe type, you will be granted some Innate Abilities. Now Innate Abilities are never lost. They are abilities that your Tribe members are born with and these cannot be changed for any reason. You never need to worry about losing them.

Learned Abilities

As you go through the Campaign, your Tribe will earn Sungems and Victory Points. These Victory Points can be spent to recruit Luftles to your Tribe or even gain Learned Abilities.

Now Learning Abilities can be gained in two flavours. They can be gained from the General Ability Pool, which are generic abilities available to each and every Tribe in the game. They are helpful, but aren’t particularly outstanding either. The other option is to spend them on Tribe Specific Learned Abilities. These are abilities that are only available to your Tribe. These are more powerful, but also used in more specific situations. These abilities also encourage the thematic use of your Tribe in game.

Scenario and Situational Abilities

There is also another type of Ability your figures can gain. These are Scenario and Situational Abilities. These are granted to your figures or your Tribe, based entirely on the actions that happen during a Scenario. For example in one of the Scenarios (The Ridge), there is a storm building as your Tribe fights to secure a high up ridge. Lightning splits the air in every direction and there is a chance one or more of your figures will be hit. This is terrible news during this scenario as if they are hit, they are removed from the board and count as being killed. However they then gain the ability ‘Eyebeam’ for the next scenario, a very powerful ranged ability. Another example is in the Podmothine scenario. As both Tribes are fighting against a common enemy, if either Tribe kills another Occulite figure, their Tribe gains the ‘Treacherous’ ability which allows other Tribes to ignore penalties for attacking your Tribe in a scenario. But it also gives you the ability to increase the damage your Tribe does. So what you do in a scenario really does matter! This is also reflected by statistics being awarded to Tribes for doing different things. They are not just automatically awarded.

Choosing a Scenario in Dawn

The combination of these things makes the selection of Scenarios very important. At different points in time, the different Tribes will be wanting different things and so will want to compete in different scenarios. Now, the Base game comes with 11 engaging, challenging and downright fun scenarios, with many different play styles across the board. Choosing which one to play is very important. Players both select a scenario and then refer to the appropriate time of day, adding a number of their Tribal Tokens to a bag which reflects the likelihood of that particular scenario occurring at that time.

For example, in Crepusculum, Nymphlets only spawn towards Dusk. The Scenario Nymphlet Season looks like this: 0  0  0  1  1  2  4  5  5  4

This means that you can’t even play this Scenario in a Campaign until the fourth game and don’t really have a good chance of it being selected until the seventh game. This keeps the world of Crepusculum thematic and make sure that the choices made during a campaign matters. If both players choose the same Scenario, it will automatically be played, but the Tribal Tokens are still added to a bag and are drawn to determine who is the attacker in the Scenario.

Killed Figures during a Campaign

If a figure is killed during a Scenario, it will be ‘Reborn’ in its Home Cave ready for the next scenario. But the Reborn process takes its toll on your figure and because of this, it will always come back a little bit weaker than before. This might cause it to lose a statistic, or sometimes even a Learned Ability, but you still have control even over this with the use of Boost cards from your hand if they are brought back during a Scenario due to the Reborn Track.


Objective Decks

If we can fund the game on Kickstarter and reach our Stretch Goal of $50,000 then we can afford to produce the Objective Decks for each Tribe.

Objective Decks are what they sound like, a small deck of cards that have Objectives that can be completed for benefits during the Scenario, or just held onto for a benefit for the campaign. They can be added to any Scenario, thus greatly enhancing the re playability of all scenarios (which are already very re playable).

Sample Palaudis Objective CardTaking a look at this sample Objective Card “Leap from Danger”, we can see a few things. It is a Palaudis Objective card and thus can only be used by them.

It has some blue text, in this case it reads “Take 2 successful Break Away Tests”. If you are able to successfully do this, you have two options:

1) You can claim the reward listed below that blue text. In this case it awards you a more restricted version of “Leap” a Learned Ability for the Palaudis. Then draw another Objective card Or,

2) You can place the card face down in your play area and draw another Objective Card. At the end of the Scenario, you will gain the benefits in the top right hand corner of the text box. In this case, it would award you 1 Sungem.

As you can see, the decisions made even with how you use the Objective cards is important.


We hope that this little insight into the Campaign System of Dawn – Rise of the Occulites has interested you and perhaps helped you decide to pledge and/or spread the word about the game as it will not be made if we cannot reach our target. We need your help to get Dawn: Rise of the Occulites more exposure, so please consider sharing this with your mates. We would love to have them join the fun!


What do you want to see?

G’day guys,

Thank you to all who have backed, shared and been involved in our Kickstarter campaign for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites. We are off to a great start and are currently 73% funded! We would love to continue in this fashion so that we can hit those stretch goals and bring even more to the game that we wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

What do you guys want to know about the project? Do you have any questions? What are you most looking forward to from this project? Let me know!

Dawn: Rise of the Occulites -- Kicktraq Mini

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Palaudis Tribe Objectives Coloured low res

Shipping Prices Updated! Hop to it!

G’day guys,

Eagle Games has worked hard to reduce the shipping prices for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites.Wymbrix Coloured low res

If you were on the fence about backing due to the shipping, please check out the update: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2002188924/dawn-rise-of-the-occulites/posts/516478

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has backed already and sent me messages of congratulations. It has meant more than I can write. Currently we are 66% of the way to being fully funded and then we can work on the exciting stretch goals which we wouldn’t be able to do without Kickstarter – Objective Cards added to each Tribe, Puscual figures, an iPad Tribe Tracker app, the Silicus Tribe and the Tundris Tribe.

So once again, I think you from the bottom of my heart and please if you know someone that would love to own some of these quirky little guys or loves games, please share the project link. Let’s make the game the best it can be!





The Kickstarter is live!

G’day guys,

Just a quick message to let everyone know that after almost seven years of development, from an idea and a sketch, Dawn and the Rise of the Occulites Saga has come a long way and now the Dawn: Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter is LIVE!

You can find it here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2002188924/dawn-rise-of-the-occulites

The full rulebook is available to download and we have some exciting stretch goals, so please check it out, pledge and tell your friends!

Palaudis Leaping


Dawn – Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter Launches June 19th @ 9pm US EST

G’day guys,

I am proud to announce that in partnership with Eagle Games, we are ready to launch the Dawn – Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter this Wednesday 19th June at 9pm US EST

I will post the link to the KS here when it launches, but until then, please spread the word!

Dawn - Rise of the Occulites 3D Box

The full base rulebook will be available to download on launch, so you will be able to properly evaluate whether or not this is the game for you. It is a huge box, with lots of components. You will have the option to purchase the game with coloured plastic figures or with pre-paints if you so choose.

We also have some very cool stretch goals and add ons to help immerse you in the Occulite world. We are very excited to finally share the game with you all.

If you have any questions at all, please ask away!



Kickstarter launches next week!

G’day guys,

So the time has finally come where the first game in the Rise of the Occulites Saga Dawn launches into the wilds. A very exciting and proud time for me as I’ve seen the game grow and develop over time. Thanks to the encouragement you have all provided and the interest you have shown in watching the game develop and helping to shape it over the years.

Palaudis vs Hyrdis

Which Tribe will you choose to lead? Palaudis or Hydris?

It is incredibly rewarding to have gotten to this point, but to complete the journey of the first game Dawn, we will need the support of the community that has watched on as Dawn grew from an idea and blossomed into the game it is today. So please check out the Kickstarter when it launches next week and consider pledging to help release this game officially into the big, wide world. It will ship with two Tribes (Palaudis and Hydris) in the box, as well as 18 Luftles! Then there will be three expansion packs that contain one tribe each (Floris, Ignis and Nimbus). There will also be tiers for prepainted figures, or you can go for unpainted and choose your own colour scheme! Stretch goals are looking exciting as well and we can’t wait to share them with you all!

An exact date and time will be confirmed soon, so please stay tuned.

Welcome to Dawn!

Floris Tribe Expansion Box Lid

G’day guys,

The Kickstarter is SOOOOO close now. Just waiting for a confirmation of date. Extremely exciting times around here.

So I thought to tide you all over, I would upload the proposed box lid for the Floris Tribe Expansion. This is not 100% final and could change before production, but I am very happy with how it turned out. Feel free to use it as a screen wallpaper to brighten up your day with Floris-ey goodness. 🙂

Floris Cover low res

I would love to hear what you guys think of it. Also, if you have any questions about the game, now is a great time to ask them!


Look what this Luftle found while out scouting…

Luftle holding Dawn

G’day guys,

The Kickstarter for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites is drawing very close now. The official launch date won’t be far off, so stop by here and/or the Darwin Games Facebook Page regularly over the next week to find out exactly when.

Now is the time to get excited and get prepared to launch into the world of the Occulites. We are looking for the support of our fans to get the first game in the Rise of the Occulites Saga funded, so please share this news and the game with your friends. Dawn – Rise of the Occulites is a game that has a very unique setting and has a lot of components, so we need our fans to rally to the campaign to help make the game a reality, thus allowing others to explore the Occulite world that you have all seen develop over the last few years.

I sincerely thank all the fans of the game that have shown their support over the years and look forward to continuing the journey with them as well as welcoming new fans to the Rise of the Occulites Saga.

Soon the Long Dark will be over and the sun will reveal itself over the Nimbus Peaks, splashing its light across Crepusculum and ushering in ‘Dawn – Rise of the Occulites’.


Dawn – Rise of the Occulites Draws Ever Closer

G’day guys,

I hope everyone is doing well. I apologise for the lack of updates lately, but I have been extremely busy finalising art and working hard to make sure that Dawn – Rise of the Occulites is the very best it can be.

I received some great feedback from my cold readers of the rulebook which I am using to redo the layout of the rules to make it even more accessible. While this takes time, I know that it will be worth it for everyone that picks up the game. So as part of relaying out the rulebook, I decided to go with a different front cover for the book itself. You will find this below and I hope that you find it as endearing as I do. 🙂

The Kickstarter launch draws ever closer and I will be sure to announce here when I have a firm date in hand. But rest assured it will be worth the wait!

Front Cover

All the best guys and thanks for your continued support!

Potential Card Backs for Dawn – Rise of the Occulites

G’day guys,

I’ve been playing around with some artwork for potential card backs for Dawn: Rise of the Occulites and would love to hear your thoughts on which you like best and why.

So far there are six options. Please let me know which one you prefer and just as, if not more importantly – why you like it.

If you like bits from several different card backs, just let me know as well please.

Option I

Option I

Option II

Option II

Option III

Option III

Option IV

Option IV

Option V

Option V

Option VI

Option VI

Please vote below and then post your thoughts and any comments, feedback or suggestions as a comment to this post. Your help in shaping what the card backs will look like is much appreciated.


2013 – The Dawn of the Rise of the Occulites Saga

G’day guys,

A very warm welcome and a Happy New Year to everyone! We hope that 2013 brings excitement, laughter and great times to all!

Luftle Scout low res
We are looking forward to the Dawning of the Rise of the Occulites Saga with our first boardgame coincidentally titled “Dawn – Rise of the Occulites”, which will debut on Kickstarter with Eagle Games early this year. Please look for announcements about our upcoming Kickstarter soon! Please also consider spreading the word about the game if its something that intrigues you or you like the look of. It helps us get the word out there.

Dawn Box Lid Chosen with extra Luftle 50%

Have a look around the site for information about the game and the setting itself. There are some videos showing some of the gameplay concepts and what the characters look like.

Thanks for your support, we are most grateful for it indeed.

Happy holidays and welcome to the Rise of the Occulites.



For more information on Dawn – Rise of the Occulites, you can visit:

The Rise of the Occulites Blog: www.riseoftheocculites.wordpress.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Darwin-Games/199925236725742

Board Game Geek Game Page: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/90274/dawn-rise-of-the-occulites

Eagle Games: http://www.eaglegames.net